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The Trans Radio UK Story

Written by on July 15, 2019

July 2019

Welcome to the blog of Trans Radio UK. Here we want to keep everyone updated on everything that is happening, and boy has this year been a mad one for us for far!

TRUK started as an idea that Lucy Clark had about creating a radio station for the community. She had been a DJ for very many years (amongst all her other roles) and previously she had successfully run radio stations for football leagues and thought that this would be a great thing to do. So she went off and did some more research, had a discussion with her wife Avril and bought some new equipment. In the early hours of 22nd Feb 2018 Trans Radio UK was born with Lucy being the sole DJ and no listeners! Since then the station has gone from strength to strength and Lucy and Avril worked hard at promoting the station at every chance, setting up and manning social media accounts, attending Brighton Pride, Brighton Trans Pride and Sparkle as Trans Radio and just getting the word out there.

December 2018 saw the first ever Trans Radio UK Christmas Ball which took place at the Hilton Hotel, Kents Hill, Milton Keynes. It took a bit of work to make it happen with a few nail biting moments however it was a total success and the feedback we received was amazing. Everyone just seemed to be having a great time and after the party we all had free entry to Pink Punters. Watch this space for the Christmas Ball 2019. 

In February we celebrated our first year on air and currently we have 20 DJ’s which is a far cry from when we started when it was just Lucy broadcasting to zero listeners most of the time! We now are listened in nearly 100 countries and that is no mean feat but something we are so very proud of. We have music or shows running 24/7 and our DJ’s broadcast from as far as Australia and are a real mix of styles, personalities and music genre and they take as much pride in the station as we do.

At the beginning of June we did a complete overhaul of our website changing from the quick and simple one we knocked up at the start to something far more professional and we think it looks totally awesome! On there we have the running schedule which changes occasionally, especially if we have live events we are covering, special shows or we get a new DJ, so you need to keep an eye on it to see what is coming up. The website has all the DJ’s profiles, sponsorship links and a new chat room where have moved the show chat away from Facebook as we know we have many listeners who are not on Facebook and we want to be inclusive, cater for all and ensure all our listeners can interact with us. Come and chat with us, all the DJ’s are usually on there while their shows are on air so this is the place to interact with them and get your requests in. We also have a donate button, most of the running costs are covered by Lucy and Avril so donations are very welcome and we have show sponsorship available;  currently we have several show sponsors and supporters and details of their services are on our links page. 2019 is a BIG year for TRUK. This has seen our biggest growth so far with our listener base, DJ’s and just spreading the word about us.

  • London Pride – 6th July – We will be at London Pride in force and are participating in the march (limited space still available so contact us if interested). At least 9 of our presenters will be there so keep an eye out for us. You won’t miss us as we have banners, flags, flyers, stickers, cards and have a portable speaker so will be playing some banging tunes while we are marching. We will be broadcasting and interviewing all the time we are there so if you see us during or after,come and say hi!
  • Sparkle – 11th-14th July – Again we will be at Sparkle in force. We will be broadcasting live and doing interviews and are opening the Sparkle stage in the park from midday-1pm on both the Saturday and Sunday so come along, join in the fun with and get to meet us. Our very own Lucy is also DJing the Sparkle Ball on the Friday evening and after will be DJing at Via from 1-3am . On the Saturday evening she is hosting an 80’s night at TriBeCa so plenty of opportunity for you to come along, enjoy some tunes but also get to meet the TRUK family.   
  • Brighton Pride – 3rd Aug – We will be here watching the march and will be doing interviews on the day. Keep an eye out for us.
  • Leeds Pride – 4th Aug – Several of our DJ’s including Michelle-Anne, Ruby Fury & Sarah Armstrong plus other TRUK family will be there.
  • Pride in Surrey – 10th Aug – This is Surrey’s first ever Pride and is shaping up to be a fantastic event. We will be there participating in the march and hoping we will be doing some other bits during the day – more information will be provided nearer the time.    

So as you can see, this is a very exciting year for us. Make sure you sign up on our website for the newsletter so you can keep up to date with everything and keep an eye out for other blog posts over the next few weeks where we will update on how all these events went.

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