Current track



Current show

Breakfast Show with Theo

10:00 am 12:00 pm

Current show

Breakfast Show with Theo

10:00 am 12:00 pm

News Team

We have a dedicated news team here at Trans Radio UK bringing you daily news bulletins from our community. Throughout the day they will bring you all the latest news from our community with their special reports. Phoenix is our News and Communications Manager, with Kevin, Rory, Jacob, DJ Glorious, April, Kira and Jason being our news team presenters here at Trans Radio UK, and you can find out more about them in our meet the team section.

Whose on When

  • Monday – DJ Glorious
  • Tuesday – Jason
  • Wednesday – Rory
  • Thursday – DJ Glorious
  • Friday – Kevin
  • Saturday – Kira
  • Sunday – April

We are still looking for reporters to join our team here at TRUK News, your role would be to research and produce a news report for a particular day, working alongside our other reporters discussing stories to report etc so whilst the role is individual you will very much be part of a team. If interested please email [email protected]

If you have a story then please send it through to [email protected]