Neoborn And Andia Human Show
Scheduled on
Friday | 2:00 pm | 4:00 pm |
Tagged as: Culture, Humour, Mixed Genre, Talk
The Neoborn And Andia Human Show (NAAHS) is about music, life, universe and everything with a positive tone and with a comedic touch. Talking to interesting people, introducing songs and artists and the world how it should be – or shouldn’t. We are all aliens in space, Earthlings! Broadcasting from a secret moon of the Jupiter. Supporting purple rabbits!
The Neoborn And Andia Human Show and its creators stand for equality, human rights, mutual respect and acceptance and the importance of embracing the Nature while creating a more liveable, cleaner joyous future in the present with freedom and genuine creativity.
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Neoborn And Andia Human Show crew
Andia is a career music artist, a singing trans drummer and multi disciplined songwriter with well defined skills and interests in the creative field. Where live music is the preferred choice, original recorded music in the genre of Glitch-Punk Big-Beat is her speciality. A good communicator from London that lives in Finland, she takes interest […]
Introducing Neoborn Caveman, co-host and producer of the hit radio show “Neoborn And Andia Human Show” on TRUK (Trans Radio UK). Tune in every Friday from 2pm-4pm to catch his unique perspective on the world and chart-topping podcast with listeners from 169 countries. Dubbing himself an alien or purple rabbit, Neoborn rejects the “obnoxious nonsense […]